So I know it’s been a few days since 9×23 “Do You Believe in Miracles” aired. And tumblr and Facebook exploded. So did my brain. I mean, seriously. Did you guys see that? Seriously! It… it just.


I know I said I was going to post my thoughts on the finale, but I cannot talk about the end. I will talk about everything else. I will say that I was so proud of Sam and so glad to see Sam caring for Dean. And I was so glad to see Dean and Sam together again and Dean dying in Sam’s arms, saying “I’m proud of us,” was just… guh. My feelings died. I swear to god.

Metatron. Metatron did not die. I am so pissed. You guys have no idea. I wanted him dead. I don’t care about any stupid “meanings” or Cas doing something good and sparing his enemy to stop the angel-on-angel violence. I don’t care. I wanted Cas to stab him in the face. I wanted him dead. Dead. Dead, I say! SOMEONE SHOULD TOTALLY JUST STAB METATRON.

And… Gadreel. *chokes* I am so unhappy. So freaking depressing. Good lord, SPN, I know you like to make us care about characters and then kill the, but REALLY. This is just getting ridiculous. You killed Gadreel, but NOT METATRON. No fair.

And what is going to happen to Cas? What is going to happen with his angel Grace? EXPLAIN, SUPERNATURAL, EXPLAIN.

Ugh. So many questions. So many worries. So many things I need to think about, but I *not* going to think about them until season 10 airs. I’ve already decided that my best course of action is to pretend that the last five seconds of “Do You Believe in Miracle” NEVER HAPPENED. IT NEVER HAPPENED GUYS.

So yeah, I will say all that. I will say that I have so many feelings. I will say that I’m dead inside. I will say that I am worried and anxious and unhappy. But those last five seconds? No. To quote Castiel, my rule is this: “We’re not supposed to talk about it,”

Okay, so everyone’s talking about last night’s backdoor pilot for the Supernatural spin-off. I figured I’d weigh in with my opinion…

Honestly? I am still undecided. It was an interesting episode–of a show that was not SPN. It did not feel like a spin-off and it certainly didn’t feel like a “backdoor pilot”. It was a pilot that basically interrupted the story of this season. If they were going to do it the way they did they really should have just given the show a real pilot. I’ve seen a lot of backdoor pilots, and they do not shove out the characters of the original show in favor of the other characters. The purpose of a backdoor pilot is the introduce views to the characters without doing an official pilot. The focus should always remain on the main characters of the original–it’s fine to have heavier focus on the spin-off characters, but they should NOT take away so much from the main cast. Especially when the main cast is only TWO CHARACTERS.

I don’t really know why this show is a spin-off. It does not feel like a spin-off. It feels like its own show that Sam and Dean Winchester happened to have cameos in. I’m honestly not sure why this was supposed to be a spin-off of the series considering the only real elements it has in common with SPN are the monsters. Nothing else.It’s an entirely different type of show with an entirely different type of premise–it’s not about monster hunters, it’s about monster gangsters. It’s not like the CW doesn’t already have television shows about monsters or groups of monsters fighting.

Which leads me to the premise of the show: not very original. I’ve seen it done before (and better). I’m not really a huge fan of these types of shows, so I didn’t think I would enjoy it. That being said, I did like the characters and probably would have loved them if they hadn’t pushed the spotlight totally away from Sam and Dean.

I’ll admit, I am still wary of the show. I’d probably be thrilled about it if it weren’t for two things: it’s a spin-off, and it’s on the CW. I hate most CW shows. (In fact–I hate them all except SPN…) And I don’t like poorly done spin-offs like this. Spin-offs should work like The Sarah Jane Adventures or Torchwood, which took existing elements of Doctor Who and expanded on them. Or (loathe as I am to mention this) like the CSI spin-offs, which took the same premise and gave it new characters in a new city with slightly different dynamics.

Supernatural Bloodlines does neither. It’s got a new premise and new characters. Like I said, the only existing thing they took from the show were the monsters.

So… I’m hopeful, but wary. I did like the characters, for the most part. I did think it was an interesting concept, even if it’s been done to death before. Maybe they can make it something new. Even if it’s the same thing I’ve seen before, I can still enjoy it. Familiarity isn’t always a bad thing. The biggest issue I have is characters and plot. It has the characters, now I’m just waiting to see if it can deliver on the plot.

I really wish they hadn’t tied it to SPN, because that seems like it’s going to (and already has, as a matter of fact) hurt the show. SPN fans don’t seem too thrilled with the backdoor pilot (taking the Winchesters out of most of the episode was a BAD MOVE, CW), but a few (myself included) are still willing to give it a chance if they decide to go forward it.

Just… I hope they tread carefully. They’re entering dangerous waters. As long as they don’t throw out over-used and boring cliches and keep the characters interesting, I am willing to watch and see how it pans out. It’s not a show I can see myself obsessing over and falling in love with like Supernatural, but it is conceivably a show that I can see myself enjoying.

So here’s to hoping they don’t sink this ship before it can sail.

I know, I know. It’s been several episodes since I made a post. I’m truly sorry. Life is really kicking me in the ass right now, what with it being finals week–0ne more final to go and I’m done!–and worrying about writing and other plans. I haven’t done a post since “#THINMAN” and that was how many episodes ago? Four? Good Lord. I’m useless.

Better late than never, I guess.

I’m just going to go through this all lightening quick since I’ve missed so much.


I touched on this a little, but not much. I’ve already seen some fantastic fan-theories floating around on tumblr and fanpages and I really have nothing new to offer on that front. I do, however, want to talk about how worried I am about Dean. Did you guys see him in “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”? That was horrifying.

Alex Annie Alexis Ann

Also, was anyone else reminded of this:


Because I got some serious season-two-broken-and-bitter Dean vibes from that scene. As if Dean losing it because of the Mark wasn’t enough.



So let’s talk about this fucker, huh? I can safely say that I hate Metatron more than Dolores Umbridge–just let that sink in for a moment. I hate him so very much. I want him to die. How can he be God-Moding!?! That’s not fair! I don’t like him getting more powerful and more douchey with each episode! SOMEONE STAB HIM IN THE FACE, PLEASE!!

Although I will say that I was very pleased with him deciding to bring back Gabriel. I have missed that wonderful, beautiful angel so much and I don’t care what capacity he was brought back in because it was awesome to see his snarky self again!


Not to mention the lovely brotherly-bonding-ness we got from him and Cas while they were together. I swear that made my heart grow three sizes. *squee*


Doesn’t that expression just break your hearts, guys? Gah. So perfect! I love Gabriel. Bring him back, SPN! I’m begging!!


*throws confetti*

I was so excited to see Jodi Mills back. I love her so much. And I’m thrilled that she survived! Plus, she got to be totally badass and motherly and wonderful and perfect and oh my god can I just please have my own Jodi Mills because she is made of Win.

Also–she has truly become a Winchester now, seriously. Emotional trauma? Check. Badass fighting skills? Check. Plaid?



(Seriously, I think she stole Dean’s shirt. Look at that!)

Anyway. I know this is very short and I didn’t go nearly as in-depth as I’d like, but I’ve got to go. I’ll save all the analyses for when the season finale murders my soul, m’kay? Hopefully I’ll be able to post more next week because I really, really want to talk about that spin-off…



Still not dead, guys, I swear.

But seriously, sorry for the irregular posting. I keep saying I’ll get back to posting regularly and then I just never do because something comes up. *Le sigh*

Still, even though it’s late, I want to talk about “#Thinman”. (I kind of ranted a bit about this on FB until a friend basically said “It’s SPN, what did you expect?” and I had to concede their point…)

So I was super excited for Ghostfacers to be back because I love Ed and Harry and also because those two wonderful people are the longest living, recurring characters on SPN thus far. They have not died once guys. And Sam and Dean say they’re incompetent. Pfft, right.

I was all geared up for their return, fully expecting an entertaining, awesome and LIGHT HEARTED episode. Because it’s Ed and Harry and there cannot be angst in Ghostfacer-Land. It’s like… illegal or something, alright? Well the SPN writers didn’t get the memo because they fucking had to go and throw a shit-ton of angst on us, complete with a heartbreaking parallel to Sam and Dean’s current (infuriating) situation.

Come on, Supernatural, that’s just cruel. You know we love Ed and Harry because they’re funny and they bring us some much needed comic relief! You can’t just turn around and punch us in the feels like that! IT’S SO NOT RIGHT!

I will say that I loved the Thinman thing and kind of had a weird heart attack/fangirl moment when I realized that they were parodying Slender Man. (Err… is parody the right word? Probably not… Close enough.)

I hated that they ended it with them going their separate ways. Way to crush my soul, guys. Seriously. It’s not okay. It will never be okay. Why do I let this show do this to me, dammit?!

On a lighter note – Sam and Dean reminiscing about their childhood was so freaking sweet! The idea of little Sam and Dean dressed at Batman and Superman and jumping off a roof together and then Dean taking Sam to the hospital… Ugh, my heart melted. It truly did. (Though I had to grit my teeth when Dean said he was Superman ‘cos I know Superman has lots of fans and all, but I truly detest him. Batman FTW, seriously. Superman can go fuck himself. It took a lot for me not to snap at the TV for even mentioning the name. That’s how bad my – irrational – hatred for Superman goes…)

But yeah, so that’s what I thought of the episode. It was fantastic, but it crushed my soul and somehow proved that I ridiculously still have some small amount of hope that SPN hasn’t quite managed to crush yet. What is WRONG with me?

This will likely be another short post because I am technically in the middle of a midterm right at this very moment (I finished, but it’s online and I’m going back over it while I have extra time – sort of…) Anyway, Supernatural came back from hiatus last week, as you guys likely know. I thought the Olympics were never going to end, I swear.

And what an episode it was! Kevin was back! As a ghost, but he was back and that was totally okay with me because I love Kevin and I missed him so much and I just wanted to hug him and give him a high-five for how awesome he was and how he totally didn’t take shit from the Winchesters.

Also, Mrs. Tran was back and she isn’t dead and I can’t even explain the joy I felt at her being alive. Which was promptly crushed when she realized that Kevin was dead. I just… Guys, this show is just giving me a lot of feelings and I love the Trans and I don’t want Kevin to stay dead because that might hurt me in ways I can’t even explain. Kevin is just a kid – he’s younger than me for Christ’s sake! – and seeing him suffering hurts, but seeing him dead hurts even worse and I was so happy to see him back and this sentence is really long… Wow.

I absolutely loved that they let Linda kill that smarmy ass demon. God, was he annoying. All that whining about not being able to kill things. No wonder Crowley had him stuck as an intern. He was so bitchy and utterly annoying – and that’s taking into account the fact that he was a demon.

I think, though, the crowning moment of the episode was Kevin looking at Sam and Dean and telling them both to GET OVER IT. I mean, come on, guys, it’s been long enough. I know they’re hurt and pissed and bad things happened and it was awful, but bad things have happened before. They’ve fucked up and hurt each other in awful ways and betrayed each other before. It always works out.

So Sam, I know you’re pissed and guilty and hurt, and I get that, but stow your crap, okay? Dean is your brother and he loves you and he didn’t do this to hurt you or anyway, he was just doing what he does best – making reckless choices for the people he cares too much about.

And Dean, I know you’re hurting and you feel like shit (when DON’T you?), but suck it up. You’re a Winchester. Sam’s gonna be pissed for a while, but he’ll forgive you because that’s what you two do. You fucked up, but now it’s time to move on because angsting over it and wallowing in it DOES NOT HELP. Learn to let things go, man. For the good of everyone.

But yeah, that’s about all I can say right now. I loved the episode, I loved the Trans, and I cannot wait until next Tuesday because GHOSTFACERS ARE BACK! *fist pump* Yessss! Get excited guys!

Sorry for not posting like I said I was. Lots of real life trouble happened and I couldn’t sit down to write this. But that’s okay because now I have a few minutes (like, 3 of ’em) s0 let’s talk about Sam and Dean and how I wanna murder them?

I just have to say this: I’ve seen a LOT of people calling Sam ungrateful for what he said to Dean in the last episode and I’m sick of it. Guys, Sam isn’t being ungrateful to Dean! He’s being a total dick, but he’s pissed. He has a right to be. Dean fucked with the natural order (again) and this time with major consequences… (Kevin’s dead). I definitely get where Sam is coming from.

Dean lied to him and manipulated him into doing something that he KNEW Sam didn’t want. He knew how Sam felt about angels and angelic possession and did it anyway. He knew Sam was ready and more than willing to die and did it anyway. Dean was being selfish and being a jerk and Dean fucked up. Sam has a right to be pissed.

I still think he’s being a major dickhead about it, but I get why he’s so upset. I get why Dean’s upset. I hate them both and I want to punch them until they have no teeth, but they’re both wrong and both have a right to be upset with the other. If that makes sense.

So yeah. Short post, but still. Stop calling Sam ungrateful. Call him an asshole, but not ungrateful. It’s not Sam’s fault that he learned what Dean still hasn’t: how to let things go. Sam has learned that lesson (after having it pounded into him), but Dean’s too stubborn and still manages to convince himself that it’s all his responsibility and he has to fix it and save everyone.

Anyway. Off to class.

I’m not dead, I swear!

Sorry for not posting ANYTHING in so long. I planned on doing a post on the mid-season finale, but I live in the middle of Nowhere, USA so my internet isn’t the most reliable and my mom’s laptop (which I’m still using because mine is still busted) is slow and has IE 8 which is just ridiculous to try and do nearly anything on. Plus, new semester (last semester before I get my AA this May! Yay!), a car accident, and other real life things got in the way.

Though, mostly it’s because I’ve been writing for other things. Fanfiction, mainly. I’ve been working on a massive, multi-fandom crossover (yes, Supernatural most definitely is a part of it) for over a year and it’s just recently broken 200K and is not finished or really near finished. I’m scared it’ll end up being 300K or more by the time I actually finish it. And I wrote over 100K on a Hannibal/Criminal Minds crossover. Plus working on original work and trying desperately to find a job…

Plus I’ve been working on a recap/analysis/sporking/whatever the hell you want to call it for Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series on my FB. I’m thinking very seriously of creating a separate blog to do reviews and such to post it on. (Anyone interested? That’d probably help me make the decision…)

But enough excuses. I’m sorry and I’m back.

Since I’ve been absent so long it’s probably a good time to talk a little about the last few episodes that I haven’t mentioned yet…

Most important order of business:


And it broke me and I cried and I threw things. The only small comfort I have is that Kevin was technically a Winchester. They adopted him. They have to bring him back because otherwise I’ll murder things.

Cas is an angel again (and who else totally loved him and Crowley acting like children? That was sort of awesome…)

Crowley has never been more loved by me, seriously. Sometimes I honestly forget that he’s supposed to be evil because he’s so goddamn awesome I just want to explode.


I died.

But I’m running out of time.

I’ll post tomorrow about tonight’s episode because I’m super-excited for that. Garth is back! Yay!

And now please enjoy this photo of Timothy Omundson as Cain. Because holy fuck, just look at him.


It’s been too long since my last post (sorry! Getting prepared for Finals and Thanksgiving and all that…) but I haven’t forgotten this.

Since several episodes have passed since my last post I think now is as good a time as any for me to take a step back and just give you guys my opinion of the season thus far.

I was looking forward to season 9 since before the final episode of season 8 finished airing. I waited impatiently for months for the premier of season 9, expecting and pretty much demanding an epic season 9.

And I was not, at first, disappointed. The season 9 premier? One of my newest favorite episodes. It had Cas being confused and Dean being angsty and somewhat hypocritical and it had Sam treading that line between wanting to go on and wanting to just finally have peace. It had Ezekiel, who I really, really love and everyone was fantastic.

The next episode was… good. It was really good. Especially Dean’s scene with Abaddon and Kevin and Crowley together? God was that wonderful. It wouldn’t make my top 10 or anything, but I enjoyed it.

As for the next slew of episodes? They were good too. Nothing was bad about them and there were some really kick-ass moments all around for everyone, but I really started to feel a bit underwhelmed. It’s not that I don’t like season 9, it’s just that, so far, season 8 was better and that’s even taking *twitch* Amelia *twitch* into consideration.

I do have some specific issues, mostly with the two episodes “Dog Dean Afternoon” (9×05) and “Slumber Party” (9×04).

I’m gonna start withy 9×05 because I had less issues with it.

This was the fifth episode of the season and the fifth episode in a row in which Sam was either nearly killed or knocked out. Episode one we had Sam in a coma and dying, which worked fine because I totally get the trials having a nasty effect on him. Episode we had Sam getting knocked out by a bunch of demons. Fair enough; there were three or four demons and Sam was still in “recovery” mode for the most part. Episode three we had Sam getting knocked out by the April and then Cas died and Zeke brought him back. Episode four we had Sam get whammied by the Wicked Witch and Charlie was killed and brought back. Episode five we had Sam attacked by the shape-shifter-ish guy and nearly killed and then saved (again) by Zeke.

At which point I ripped at my hair and screamed: SAM IS NOT THIS BAD AT HUNTING. He’s actually supposed to be good at hunting. Why the flying fuck is he getting batted around and knocked out all the time lately? We get it! Zeke is possessing Sam and so can save him in a time of need. Please stop smashing us over the head with that already. Zeke already said Sam’s healing pretty well, so there’s really no point to the bashing Sam’s been taking. He’s a good hunter, guys. Better than this, certainly. So stop it.

Other than that minor(ish) point, however, the episode was fantastic and I laughed ’til there were tears in my eyes. I miss the Colonel. I want him to come back just because he was totally awesome.

Now… onto “Slumber Party”

*deep breath*

Guys, I liked this episode. It was okay. It was good, even. I wanted to love it. I mean, come on, it’s the Wizard of Oz! It’s Dorothy and the Men of Letters and the Wicked Witch and everything! Flying Monkeys! Oz! I honestly did not expect anything less than epic.

I was sorely disappointed.

The episode was just… not great. Again, good, but just… so flat compared to the epicness I expected (and that something like this deserved). I just don’t feel like it was treated right. It was weirdly random and off-point. The Wicked Witch? Yeah, not scary. The whole “being trapped together” thing and the way the Witch and Dorothy were set free? Contrived, bordering on stupid.

The key to Oz? Where did that even come from? It felt so random.

I did like the concept and the Witch taking over Sam and Dean was really cool (not to mention that garage! All those drool worthy cars…). Charlie is always a welcome character and I was glad she got to kick butt again…

But then there’s the whole Witch-Killing-Charlie thing that served no purpose and just felt like forced drama. I mean, really, if you’re going to just bring her back, there’s NO POINT in killing her off. None. It was stupid. Not to mention it was the second episode in a row to kill a character and bring them back. It might not have bothered me so much had we not just had Zeke resurrect Castiel in the episode directly prior to it.

And then there’s Dorothy…

First, I love the idea of Dorothy being a Hunter and her father a Man of Letters and the idea that the books were written to tell her story (and were slight biased, explaining the misinformation). I really adored the idea of kick-ass Dorothy killing witches and fighting the good fight in Oz.

Except… Dorothy didn’t do a whole lot of kicking ass. In fact, she didn’t do really much at all except talk. Her fight with Sam and Dean while they were under the spell was pathetic and that was her chance to really shine and show how badass she could be and she just… stood there. I mean, come on, Dorothy, stop posing in the fighting-stance and kick some Winchester ass! That’s what I wanted to see and I was so upset that it didn’t happen.

Honestly, the episode was just… mediocre and sort of meandering and weird. Still good, but too flawed for something I wanted to be epic.

There was one cool thing about the episode though. Charlie admitting she’d been hunting and her realization that it wasn’t magical – because it isn’t and I loved her wanting it to be. But that’s okay, because she went to Oz with Dorothy and they’re totally going to get married by Glenda in Munchkin Land and it’ll be spectacular!

My issues with the Oz episode aside, this season has been really good so far. Really good. Fantastic and epic in some places. Plodding, but still satisfying in others. And “Heaven Can’t Wait” made up for much of the disappointment of “Slumber Party” by being amazing, intriguing and having Cas sing to a sick baby, which was adorable.

So, I know I’m a couple of days late, but you can all blame shitty internet service on that. I hate living in the middle of freakin’ nowhere.

But anyway.

Let’s talk about episode 9×03, “I’m No Angel”, shall we?

You guys all remember that article I linked to you about Shannon Lucio playing Castiel’s love interest? And how she was going to be “introduced” in the third episode? And how I was fighting not to be too judgemental because we hadn’t seen her yet?

Well… now we have. Her name is April Kelly and I have three words for Supernatural: WHAT. THE. FUCK?

Okay, let me back up.

When April first came on-screen I liked her. She was nice and endearing and I immediately got a pit in my stomach because me liking a SPN character means bad shit is going to happen.

So then April continues to be nice. She’s sweet and sort of funny and Cas likes her and she was certainly not another bitchy, condescending, flat twit like our miss Richardson was last season. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. I wished on every star that she’d stay that nice and they’d develop an interesting romance between the two of them, since, you know, they said they were giving Cas a LOVE INTEREST.

They fucking lied, that’s what they did.

Things started moving alarmingly fast when they end up having sex (and I cried a little because Cas finally lost his virginity and it wasn’t to Meg…) and I was sort of confused and unhappy, but not totally willing to dismiss April just yet.

And it was a sort of sweet/funny scene if I let go of my utter confusion and annoyance of how fast that happened.

Then this happens:

 I'm No Angel

April turns out to be evil, kills Cas and then is killed herself and Ezekiel brings Cas back and I’m left sitting there gaping at the television and wondering what the fuck I just saw. I actually had to look up that article about Cas again, re-read it and make sure I had the actress right.

Okay, Supernatural, you and I need to have a little talk about what a “love interest” is.

It is a character who serves as the significant other (romantic partner) of a main (or even secondary) character. Generally speaking, the relationship has to last more than a day or two and usually at least a few episodes as well.

It is NOT a character who acts nice to gain a main characters trust, has sex with them and then murders them. THAT is called a villain, SPN, and you should really have learned the difference by now. I know SPN writers are not the best at writing “romance” and I was terrified of this relationship being botched, but… really? REALLY? This is what you’re going to call a love interest?

What the fuck is messed up in their minds that they’d think it was appropriate to call April a love interest?

That being said, I applaud Supernatural for recognizing how catastrophically bad giving Castiel a love interest (especially so soon after turning him human) would be. I am glad they at least seem to have realized that it would likely have been a bad idea. Hats off to you for scaring me shitless for NOTHING. You bastards.

Sorry I wasn’t able to post after the episode aired last night. My home internet is wonky at the best of times and the laptop I’m currently using sucks. Still, I did want to do a post on the episode since it’s the season opener and is meant to set the tone for the entire season and so here it is, a bit late, but ah well.

To start off, I loved the episode. I mean, I cried a lot and I yelled a lot, but that’s par for course with Supernatural so I’m not complaining and I think everyone did a phenominal job with the episode and I am so excited for this season and where it’s going!

Now, on to my thoughts…


God. Sam made me sob this episode. I mean, pretty much everyone did, but I mean… just Sam. I can’t even begin to tell you how my heart started breaking when Bobby showed up in the Impala and him and Dean started arguing about whether or not Sam should just give up and Sam kept leaning toward giving up.

That scene with Death where Sam wants to make sure he can never be brought back hit me hard, especially. I mean, Sam and Dean have been through Hell and back (literally) and I know that wears on them and it’s enough to break anyone, but when he said that, when he basically just decided “This is it. I can’t go on. No more fighting, just let me be dead,” well, part of me broke.

I actually go a little angry at Dean for not letting him rest, because much as I love them and the show and Dean’s devotion to Sam, the fact is that Sam was ready to let go and Dean just refused to accept it (which is heartbreaking in itself) and I can’t figure out if he was wrong to try so hard to help Sam or not.


Where to begin? With that horrible, angst ridden prayer? With the desperation eking out of his every action? With him going to Crowley to maybe make a deal to fix Sam?

With him killing Bobby in Sam’s head (though, I am aware that technically that Dean was part of Sam – he was pretty much Dean so, yeah)? Or maybe with him letting Ezekiel possess Sam to fix him under false pretenses, basically tricking Sam into it? God, Dean must’ve been pretty damn desperate to do that and it still kind of pissed me off.

I know he doesn’t want Sam to die and I know he loves Sam and I know he couldn’t bear to lose his brother and he’s just doing what he thinks is best, but God, Dean, could you pick a more awful way to do it? I mean, I want to trust Ezekiel and he seems freaking awesome thus far, but still. This is Sam’s life and Sam’s body and Sam’s mind and Dean’s going around making these choices.

He sort of gave Sam a choice, but he knew it wasn’t really a choice. I don’t want to sound like I’m bitching here, because I’m really not, it’s just that I can already bet there is going to be major fireworks over this later because when Sam figures out what happened… Dean is in deep shit.

But Dean still broke my heart and was so badass and so, well, Dean. I can’t help but want to hug him and say it’s okay and everything will be alright, even if it won’t.


*clears throat*



I knew that was coming and it still managed to upset me more than nearly everything else this entire episode.

I gotta say, Cas’s determination to do the right thing and help the angels and fix this mess, it’s just so very him. I love that it actually took him a while to piece together the things that are going to be different for him now that he’s human and has all the problems that go along with that.

Particularly that scene where he first realizes he’s hurt. That made me teary. Poor Cas. He’s been run through the ringer so many times, always for trying to do the right thing, and now most of the angels hate him even more and are trying to kill him.

And even as lost and broken as he was, Cas still managed to be totally badass and prove that despite being human, he’s still a warrior and fucking with him is a bad idea. I am so excited for the Cas story arc this season (minus the love interest, which I remain dubious about until I see if they pulled it off..)


You have no idea how I squeed when Bobby showed up. I was so excited and I almost jumped off my bed. I was so glad to see him again and so glad that he showed up in Sam’s mind to try and talk him into being rational and doing what needs to be done.

Though it does strike me as odd that Bobby was the one telling Sam to move on and let go when Bobby seems to have a lot of trouble with that – he sure as hell didn’t want to let go any of the times he was supposed to. But I suppose he did learn (after the trouble that happened with him as a ghost) that letting go is kind of really important… I was just thrilled to have him back.

(And, again, I almost screamed when Dean killed him…)

And finally…


How totally awesome was Ezekiel guys? Oh my god, I think I’m in love with another angel. And that’s something I don’t say often seeing how I hate all but like, three of them.

Tahmoh Penikett was amazing. Seriously amazing. I’m not kidding, guys. I loved Ezekiel so much and I wanna rewatch the episode just for him.

HOWEVER, I am so, so wary to trust this character. I want to, I really, really do, but SPN has a history of introducing character and then them turning out to be totally evil and so I’m really not sure. He’s an angel and he’s now possessing Sam. That could be disastorous if he isn’t trustworthy. That could be terrible.

So I want to trust him, but i’m scared to because what if I get my heart ripped out AGAIN?



But anyway, that’s just some of my thoughts on the episode. I’m so excited for the rest of this season to see how everything pans out!