Okay, so everyone’s talking about last night’s backdoor pilot for the Supernatural spin-off. I figured I’d weigh in with my opinion…

Honestly? I am still undecided. It was an interesting episode–of a show that was not SPN. It did not feel like a spin-off and it certainly didn’t feel like a “backdoor pilot”. It was a pilot that basically interrupted the story of this season. If they were going to do it the way they did they really should have just given the show a real pilot. I’ve seen a lot of backdoor pilots, and they do not shove out the characters of the original show in favor of the other characters. The purpose of a backdoor pilot is the introduce views to the characters without doing an official pilot. The focus should always remain on the main characters of the original–it’s fine to have heavier focus on the spin-off characters, but they should NOT take away so much from the main cast. Especially when the main cast is only TWO CHARACTERS.

I don’t really know why this show is a spin-off. It does not feel like a spin-off. It feels like its own show that Sam and Dean Winchester happened to have cameos in. I’m honestly not sure why this was supposed to be a spin-off of the series considering the only real elements it has in common with SPN are the monsters. Nothing else.It’s an entirely different type of show with an entirely different type of premise–it’s not about monster hunters, it’s about monster gangsters. It’s not like the CW doesn’t already have television shows about monsters or groups of monsters fighting.

Which leads me to the premise of the show: not very original. I’ve seen it done before (and better). I’m not really a huge fan of these types of shows, so I didn’t think I would enjoy it. That being said, I did like the characters and probably would have loved them if they hadn’t pushed the spotlight totally away from Sam and Dean.

I’ll admit, I am still wary of the show. I’d probably be thrilled about it if it weren’t for two things: it’s a spin-off, and it’s on the CW. I hate most CW shows. (In fact–I hate them all except SPN…) And I don’t like poorly done spin-offs like this. Spin-offs should work like The Sarah Jane Adventures or Torchwood, which took existing elements of Doctor Who and expanded on them. Or (loathe as I am to mention this) like the CSI spin-offs, which took the same premise and gave it new characters in a new city with slightly different dynamics.

Supernatural Bloodlines does neither. It’s got a new premise and new characters. Like I said, the only existing thing they took from the show were the monsters.

So… I’m hopeful, but wary. I did like the characters, for the most part. I did think it was an interesting concept, even if it’s been done to death before. Maybe they can make it something new. Even if it’s the same thing I’ve seen before, I can still enjoy it. Familiarity isn’t always a bad thing. The biggest issue I have is characters and plot. It has the characters, now I’m just waiting to see if it can deliver on the plot.

I really wish they hadn’t tied it to SPN, because that seems like it’s going to (and already has, as a matter of fact) hurt the show. SPN fans don’t seem too thrilled with the backdoor pilot (taking the Winchesters out of most of the episode was a BAD MOVE, CW), but a few (myself included) are still willing to give it a chance if they decide to go forward it.

Just… I hope they tread carefully. They’re entering dangerous waters. As long as they don’t throw out over-used and boring cliches and keep the characters interesting, I am willing to watch and see how it pans out. It’s not a show I can see myself obsessing over and falling in love with like Supernatural, but it is conceivably a show that I can see myself enjoying.

So here’s to hoping they don’t sink this ship before it can sail.

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