Archive for April, 2013

I’m not the kind of girl who needs romance in a story. I am perfectly fine without a love story developing in the middle of my horror movie or my crime show. In fact, I think that often times romantic subplots can totally derail a story and destroy it altogether. That’s one of the reasons I love Supernatural so much. It’s a show that doesn’t need romance and, most of the time, doesn’t inflict it on us.

Supernatural is a story about Sam and Dean Winchester and the things they hunt and kill. It’s about supernatural monsters and evil baddies trying to destroy the world. It stands on its own and doesn’t need the romance angle to spice it up. So I get just a little bit upset by some people claiming that the show should have more romance.

First off, this is SPN. Have you seen their idea of romance? It’s either horrible tragic or poorly written. There’s not a lot of middle ground on the show.

You’ve got Sam and Jess. They were in love – the show makes that clear without shoving it down our throats and it’s sweet and beautiful, but she dies in the very first episode. Tragic.

Then there was Sam and Sarah – not really a love story, they never got past the first kiss and she wasn’t mentioned after “Hollywood Babylon” (Also: who else is excited that Sarah’s coming back!! I swear, if they bring her back just to kill her…)

Dean and Cassie? Meh. That wasn’t one of the better episodes and though I liked Cassie, her relationship with Dean didn’t really feel real and she definitely made the right call when she decided it wouldn’t last.

Sam and Madison was so heartbreaking it hurts me to think about it. Not only did she die, but Sam killed her. Tragic again.

Dean and Lisa was probably a somewhat better example. But it felt like Dean was trying too hard to make it work, to be normal. Lisa was an ideal to him. I think he cared about her, but it wasn’t real and though I liked Lisa, it was better for everyone that she forgot he ever existed. Tragic ending. Again.

Dean and Jo was horrible because it had the potential to go places, but nothing ever really happens and that’s the kind of relationship this show makes most of the time – promise, but heartbreak.

Dean and Anna made absolutely not sense and I hated Anna so much I wanted to punch her face in every time I saw her. Seriously. I’m not even addressing the one night stand with the angel. I just refuse.

Sam and Amelia is the worst offender. Amelia was supposed to be to Sam what Lisa was to Dean. That already isn’t good since Dean and Lisa’s relationship felt like Dean was trying too hard to chase and idea. With Amelia it’s even worse because we aren’t given any reason to like Amelia, she’s just there and they keep telling us how perfect and wonderful she is and how much Sam loved her and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Amelia because she’s so amazing and god, just shoot me already.

I think it’s safe to say that we can’t trust the SPN writers to write a nice, happy and healthy relationship. Every relationship they’ve written has ended horribly or was left by the wayside to rot as the potential faded to nothing.

And that’s fine. Romance in a show about broken heroes fighting inner demons and real demons would just complicate everything. There’s no need for romance. We’ve got action, we’ve got tragedy, we’ve got monsters and Heaven and Hell. Let’s not complicate things with sitcom stories of “OMG his girlfriend’s pregnant!” okay?

Romance isn’t going to add anything to the show. And in the case of this show, most long-term relationships they’ve tried to write didn’t work out anyway. I don’t want another female love interest for Sam or Dean. I don’t want them to fall in love with some beautiful, perfect Mary-Sue character. It’s not necessary.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t have short-term relationships – that’s not the same as their recurring romance. They’re human, they can form connections with other people and it’s not like they’re strangers to one night stands anyway. Their lives don’t lend themselves to long-term relationships. The show’s storyline doesn’t work well with romantic subplots. It’d just clutter everything up.

Besides, there aren’t enough recurring female characters left and to have romance they’d have to introduce new people. Charlie is the only recurring female left and she’s gay so… Yeah.

I’m excited for Sarah coming back, but I’m not overly excited by the idea of her and Sam getting together again. It’s been so long. I’d like to think she’s moved on and maybe gotten married or met someone else, ya know? Or at least, if it does happen, it doesn’t last.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the SPN writers will surprise me and (if they do make it another romance subplot) write this one well. Maybe. I don’t want romance in SPN, but… we’ll see I suppose.

1. Flickering Lights

2. Sudden Drops in Temperature

3. Unicorns

4. Clowns (okay, I admit it; I was scared of clowns before Supernatural)

5. Mirrors

6. Scarecrows

7. Saying “Bloody Mary”

8. Wax Figures

9. Rabbit’s Feet

10. Ghosts

11. Hitchhikers

12. Mannequins (Doctor Who also played a hand in that one…)

13. Angels

14. Sulfur

15. Tooth Brushes

16. Grammar Phones

17. Ballet Shoes

18. Lakes/Bath Tubs/Sinks

19. RPGs

20. Corn Syrup

21. Camping

22. Air Planes

23. Sewer Systems

24. Black Goo

25. Big Trucks

26. Creepy Dolls (all dolls are creepy, actually…)

27. Little Kids

28. Bugs

29. Ball Pits

30. Children’s Stories


Well, there’s 30 things that now scare me thanks to SPN. Some more than others. If I think of any more I’ll be sure to add them.

Also… this showed up in my FB newsfeed and I had to share it with this post:


I have to admit, I *do* take some comfort in the fact that salt, holy water and borax are easy methods of protection. However, as far as the writers of SPN are concerned, we are clueless and terrified. No workable method of death has been determined for those evil bastards.


We now interrupt this program to discuss tonight’s episode of Supernatural, “Taxi Driver” So, you know, SPOILERS and all that shit…

Now… *clears throat*


*deep breath*

Okay. Maybe now I can talk again.

Fucking Supernatural.


There are no words for what this show did to me tonight. I threw a remote at the TV. I seriously did. My remote is broken now. Because of this goddamn show. I hate this show, I hate the characters, my throat is hoarse from SCREAMING at the TV and EVERYTHING FUCKING HURTS.

And no, I will not apologize for how angry and broken this post is. I AM ANGRY AND BROKEN GODDAMN IT. Fuck. This show is EVIL.

I wonder if the writers realize that I’m already part of so many painful fandoms. There really is no need to try and rip out my heart. It’s already gone. IT’S GONE. BURNT TO ASHES. I DON’T HAVE EMOTIONS ANYMORE, THEY’RE ALL FUCKED UP IN A TANGLED KNOT OF PAIN.

Why would they do that? Kevin and his Crowley hallucinations… Crowley and his awesome badassery, Naomi and her STILL NOT FUCKING BEING DEAD-NESS.

I swear, the entire scene with her and Dean I just kept telling Dean to stab the bitch in the face. I don’t even care if it wouldn’t have killed her. I JUST WANT HER DEAD. WHY CAN’T SHE BE DEAD? WHY IS EVERYONE ELSE DYING BUT NAOMI IS STILL ALIVE.

Fucking Supernatural.

*deep breath*

I was prepared for feels, I was. I knew Bobby was coming back, Sam was going into Hell to get him… I knew I’d hurt, but… but THIS? Fuck no. THAT IS NOT OKAY. I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS. YOU CAN’T HURT ME LIKE THIS, SUPERNATURAL. IT’S NOT RIGHT.

*sobbing pathetically*

I loved the scene with Sam and Dean and the “freelance” Reaper. It was kind of awesome that he was a taxi driver. I really loved the scene with Dean talking to Kevin and buying him food and trying to keep him from freaking out and Kevin just walking back to his closet with Dean’s pie. That was hilarious and kinda cute.

But for the love of God, why weren’t Dean and Sam more worried about Kevin HEARING CROWLEY’S VOICE? That seems like a major fucking thing to be so passive about. “Oh you’re hearing Crowley in your head? Nah, I’m sure that’s nothing. Don’t worry.”

Seriously, guys? This is Crowley. Don’t you think you should’ve been a BIT more concerned when Kevin says he’s hearing his voice? Or any voices at all, since that means Kevin’s likely losing it and telling him to keep it together was some shitty advice, dudes. Come on, you’re smarter than that, aren’t you?

Whenever Dean realized Sam was trapped in Purgatory… And he called Benny again and I was so happy to see Benny. Then I got worried, because Benny was talking so FINAL, ya know? Like he was ready to die and didn’t have anything to live for and it broke my heart. Then he willingly let Dean kill him so he could save Sam and… I choked up. That was above and beyond the call of friendship right there. That was when I knew any lingering theories anyone has about Benny being evil were squashed.

And then… and then… *sobs*

I knew Bobby wouldn’t get to stay, but some small, foolishly hopeful part of me was clinging to the fact that maybe he could. Somehow, I still had hope, even after everything. And now it’s all crushed and ruined and GONE FOREVER. I hope you’re fucking happy, Supernatural. YOU KILLED MY HOPE. I didn’t even know I had any left and YOU KILLED IT.

I thought at least, since Bobby was going… Benny would get to stay and Sam would realize he could trust him and all would be good-ish even if I did cry watching it.

Then Benny started talking like he was ready to die AGAIN. And… and … then he saved them and helped Sam get to the portal and JUST DECIDED TO NOT GO. WHAT? BENNY, WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I screamed. I seriously screamed. It was at that point that I knew that this show is going to end with Crowley killing Sam and Dean and no one wins because after that, Naomi will kill Crowley and find Cas and torture him again and THAT IS WHAT I’M SEEING IN THE FUTURE NOW. THERE IS NO FUCKING HOPE. NAOMI’S GONNA WIN AND EVERYONE I LOVE WILL DIE AND FUCK YOU, SUPERNATURAL. FUCK YOU.

Why the hell did they have to kill Benny? WHY? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO DO? I loved Benny. Why couldn’t it have been Naomi? WHY IS BENNY DEAD AND NAOMI ISN’T? That’s not right. You can’t just kill people all willy-nilly, Supernatural. You just can’t. You fucking bastards. I HURT IN WAYS I DIDN’T KNOW I COULD HURT.


This is worse than “Swan Song”. This is worse than Meg dying. This is worse than John dying because now I know for sure that this is going nowhere. EVERYONE IS GOING TO LOSE. EVERYONE. I don’t have anything left. You’re ripping me apart piece by piece and I hate you because even though it all hurts and I threw things, I’ll still be there to watch the next episode. I’m like a hopeless addict, or a kicked puppy. I keep thinking “It can’t get WORSE.” And then it does.

*shuddering sobs*


I know I’m not alone in this, though it’s possible that me and my small group of friends are the only ones who think this, but I have to say that Meg’s comment about Amelia being a “unicorn” seriously pissed me off and I now hate unicorns.

I know I don’t like Amelia, not even a little bit. I tried and the writers just couldn’t seem to make her into a real character and I gave up. It’s easier to hate someone than to try pointlessly to like them simply because I’m being told that I should. And now, after that unicorn line, I’m seriously annoyed at the writers.

It bothers me because they’re implying that Amelia is apparently UBER SPECIAL. It reeks of desperation: LOOK! Sam quit hunting to be with Amelia! See! He loves her! She’s really special and unique and wonderful! Even MEG thinks so!! PLEASE LIKE HER.


First, it’s really annoying to be told I should like a character who I don’t empathize with or give two shits about. Especially when it’s so obvious. Second, Amelia ISN’T special. Sam has quit hunting before, remember? Way back when he was 22 at the beginning of the show? He spent most of the first season talking about quitting hunting again once Yellow Eyes was dead.

And he had Jessica. Now, he didn’t quit FOR her, but he loved her and that was obvious without being shoved down our throats. Sam has loved before, he’s quit hunting before and one annoying Mary-Sue with a dog is nothing remarkable or special and sure as hell not “legendary creature” material.

That line made me want to throw things. I know I’m biased because I really hate her so much, but think about: what purpose did that comment serve other than to try and let us know, AGAIN, how apparently wonderful Amelia is. There was no reason for Meg to comment on Sam and Amelia’s relationship.

Meg knows Sam’s past, she knows about Jess and Madison and Ruby and that Sarah girl who was way more interesting than Amelia is. Amelia isn’t the first girl Sam’s loved and she’s the least likeable of them all. (That includes Ruby…) and Meg wouldn’t give a shit about her. If anything, Meg should’ve made some derisive comment about how Sam’s relationships usually work. She’s a demon, it’s what she does. And Sam’s an easy target there seeing as every girl he’s loved is DEAD.

Meg calling Cas her unicorn made more sense… She’s a demon, he’s an angel and they’re friends and she seems to actually care about him. THAT is rare and worthy of the “legendary creature” status. Amelia is not.

So now, thanks to that episode, I can’t think about unicorns without thinking about Amelia and getting angry because I don’t want to have the purity and wonder of rainbow farting unicorns compared to the flat, boring nothingness that is Amelia Richardson.